Wacky Hormones

Have you ever tried to balance your hormones and follow different coaches hoping to learn something to make yourself and your life healthier and happier? Every now and then it seems like you forget or just take a break from trying to do everything perfect. You try to get back into following the advice of these hormone coaches and eventually you feel overwhelmed and maybe even a little stressed from it all. Hormone Coaches are not bad. In fact, I highly recommend them, but before you do remember that everything takes time and that stress is the biggest burden on our overall health. Don’t stress yourself out to be perfect right away. They may show this perfect lifestyle and you will be convinced to potentially be just as good as they are. Remember that everyone moves at their own pace and by comparing yourself to others you are stressing yourself out. Stress can make our lives unpleasant and very unbalanced, which is the opposite of what most want. So always remember, take your time and be kind to yourself! Stay Healthy 🤘🏼

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